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AKOM OLDENZAAL chooses the high-speed ACCRAPLY VF sleeve machine.

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AKOM OLDENZAAL chooses the high-speed ACCRAPLY VF sleeve machine.

Posted on 26-6-2017

AKOM Oldenzaal BV, an international producer of fruit juices and more, unveils their secret to flawlessly sleeved PET bottles. With the Accraply VF 350 sleevemachine and innovative steam tunnel, they achieve stunning end results.

AKOM Oldenzaal BV is an international producer/supplier in the field of fruit juice and nectar, lemonade, syrup, vitamin drinks, sports drinks, iced tea, smoothies, and much more, located in Oldenzaal.

In the past months, AKOM has been in discussions with various suppliers of sleeve equipment to determine the right choice for sleeve machines for sleeving their new PET bottles.

Due to the knowledge and experience and the fact that AKOM could be guided throughout the entire process, the decision was made to invest in Accraply's sleeve machines. AKOM has purchased our Accraply VF 350 sleeve machine, which can apply full body sleeves to up to 300 bottles per minute.

Because achieving a perfect end result is extremely important, AKOM has also chosen to shrink the sleeves using the Accraply Zone Steam Tunnel model S2000 in combination with the electric steam boiler.

Production is already in full swing, and the end result is impressive!

For more information about sleeve options at AKOM, visit—s-sleevit/.

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